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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Tables, Pictographs, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs and Circle Graphs on the GED Lesson

In statistics, pictograms are charts in which icons represent numbers to make it more interesting and easier to understand. A key is often included to indicate what each icon represents. All icons must be of the same size, but a fraction of an icon can be used to show the respective fraction of that amount.[6]
For example, the following table:
DayLetters sent
can be graphed as follows:
DayLetters sent
MondayEmail Silk.svg
TuesdayEmail Silk.svg Image from the Silk icon theme by Mark James half left.svg
WednesdayEmail Silk.svg Email Silk.svg Email Silk.svg
ThursdayEmail Silk.svg Email Silk.svg Email Silk.svg Email Silk.svg
FridayEmail Silk.svg Email Silk.svg
Key: Email Silk.svg = 10 letters
As the values are rounded to the nearest 5 letters, the second icon on Tuesday is the left half of the original.

GED Simple Interest (Introduction) Lesson

From Khan Academy

Interest is money paid by a borrower to a lender for a credit or a similar liability. Important examples are bond yields, interest paid for bank loans, and returns on savings. Interest differs from profit in that it is paid to a lender, whereas profit is paid to an owner. In economics, the various forms of credit are also referred to as loanable funds.
When money is borrowed, interest is typically calculated as a percentage of the principal, the amount owed to the lender. The percentage of the principal that is paid over a certain period of time (typically a year) is called the interest rate. Interest rates are market prices which are determined by supply and demand. They are generally positive because loanable funds are scarce.
Interest is often compounded, which means that interest is earned on prior interest in addition to the principal. The total amount of debt grows exponentially, and its mathematical study led to the discovery of the number e.[1] In practice, interest is most often calculated on a daily, monthly, or yearly basis, and its impact is influenced greatly by its compounding rate.

From Khan Academy